This material was built with many months of extensive research about the behavior, layering and characteristics of multi-coated paints to make it as realistic as it can be.
It's basically a proof-of-concept how the new node editor can be used to create your own custom materials with ease.
It gives you all the freedom you need, without having to open the node editor or touch the backend nodes at all (Seriously, better don't look)
You can mimic 99% of all car paints you can find outside by using its realistic layering of paints, dies and coatings.
The material Uses car paint terminology and is meant for professional car paint creation, enabling an easy entry for all car enthusiasts, professional car painters and car creators. On top of that it is 100% procedural with no resolution and detail limits.
And the best thing is: It's a ton of fun!
Can also be used for anything that has a clear coat such as:
- MOtor Bikes
- Bicycles
- Vacuum cleaners!!
- shiny balls!!!!
- Cats!!!!!!!! (no, just joking, no cats, sorry, unless you dipped your cat in paint)
Currently supports the AR & Physical render engines IN Cinema4D R20 but Will be adApted to other render engines as soon as thEY support the node editor in r20, hopefully making it the go-to car paint material for every Cinema4d user.

! Things you need to know before purchasing: !
- Works best in the Physical render engine. But it's still Physical, so do not expect Octane/RS Render speeds with it ;)
- Works only in Cinema4D R20 for now.
All renders done in Cinema4D r20 Physical engine.

DM Car Paint MAterial - SIMPLE MODE
DM Car Paint MAterial - Advanced MODE

Shader Ball by Paulo Barrelas -